+260 977 493 760

An educational Learning Management System (LMS) solution for high schools and tertiary institutions.

Core Modules

Student Admissions

Fast and automated process to quicky enroll students

Student Registration

Easy and effective registration, process both manual and automated transactions

Tuition Payments

View receipts, issued invoices and payment status related information


Customizable automated timetables for class and exam schedules

Class Registers

Ranging from exams to class registers for both students and faculty

Student Grades

Student academic performance tracking and monitoring


Automated Registration

Catering for both student and course registration in a simple and efficient process

Report Generation

Ranging from academics to student status - based on real-time data

Student Data Upload

Process students automatically

Parent-Teacher Communication

Sponsors, parents and the school can interact and view student academic progress

Financial Transactions

Manage financial payments and transactions with ease

Module Customization

Enhancing flexibility in the system and enabling custom processes to work

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